Coating Chats - Episode 4
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<begin subtitles> 00:00:14:08 00:00:16:10 Hello and welcome to episode 00:00:16:11 00:00:18:07 number four of the coatings 00:00:18:08 00:00:20:02 chat that my name 00:00:20:03 00:00:22:01 is allowed to cheat and they work 00:00:22:02 00:00:23:18 in the marketing department for 00:00:23:19 00:00:25:21 packaging coatings. 00:00:25:22 00:00:27:13 Today we will speak about the 00:00:27:14 00:00:29:17 research and development process 00:00:29:18 00:00:31:12 and we have Jean-Dominique Verges 00:00:31:13 00:00:32:10 with us. 00:00:32:11 00:00:34:06 Or you go by J.D., is that 00:00:34:07 00:00:35:14 right? 00:00:35:15 00:00:37:00 Yes. Hello, Laura. 00:00:37:01 00:00:37:22 Thank you. 00:00:37:23 00:00:39:05 You're right. You can call me JD. 00:00:40:22 00:00:43:03 Thanks for being with us today. 00:00:43:04 00:00:45:04 JD is the associate R&D 00:00:45:05 00:00:47:02 director and I am excited 00:00:47:03 00:00:49:22 to hear his perspectives today. 00:00:49:23 00:00:51:18 JD To start that, 00:00:51:19 00:00:53:20 can you share a little about you 00:00:53:21 00:00:55:18 and your experience working at 00:00:55:19 00:00:57:10 Sherwin-Williams? 00:00:57:11 00:00:58:05 Sure. 00:00:58:06 00:00:59:07 I've been working for Sharon 00:00:59:08 00:01:01:03 Williams for eight years and in 00:01:01:04 00:01:02:11 the field of packaging, inks and 00:01:02:12 00:01:04:05 coatings for 25. 00:01:04:06 00:01:06:09 I've worked with paperboard, film 00:01:06:10 00:01:08:10 and metal with gradual, 00:01:08:11 00:01:11:17 flexible offsets, spray and roller 00:01:11:18 00:01:13:16 dealing with cured, baked and 00:01:13:17 00:01:15:12 dried, and even a bit of 00:01:15:13 00:01:17:19 vinyl flooring and fiduciary 00:01:17:20 00:01:18:20 coatings. 00:01:18:21 00:01:20:05 So besides the metal shelves 00:01:20:06 00:01:22:03 themselves, when I go to supermarket 00:01:22:04 00:01:23:25 today, I've touched just about 00:01:24:00 00:01:26:03 any packaged goods you can buy. 00:01:26:04 00:01:27:25 The floor you walk on and the money 00:01:27:26 00:01:28:22 you pay with. 00:01:28:23 00:01:30:21 That's impressive that 00:01:30:22 00:01:32:23 you've had quite a long, varied 00:01:32:24 00:01:34:17 career in packaging and with 00:01:34:18 00:01:36:06 Sherwin-Williams. 00:01:36:07 00:01:38:05 Now I would be thinking about 00:01:38:06 00:01:40:07 metal packaging during my next visit 00:01:40:08 00:01:41:14 to the supermarket. 00:01:42:19 00:01:44:23 Can you tell me what interests 00:01:44:24 00:01:47:11 you the most with R&D? 00:01:47:12 00:01:49:05 Well, I'm primarily interested in 00:01:49:06 00:01:50:21 coming up with successful 00:01:50:22 00:01:53:02 innovations, and those require 00:01:53:03 00:01:54:22 not only a solution that works 00:01:54:23 00:01:56:14 technically for the customer, but 00:01:56:15 00:01:58:17 also one that fits with our sourcing 00:01:58:18 00:02:00:19 and manufacturing capabilities. 00:02:00:20 00:02:02:09 And because of those elements, I got 00:02:02:10 00:02:04:07 interested very early on 00:02:04:08 00:02:06:07 in how R&D is done and 00:02:06:08 00:02:08:05 the process for coming up with 00:02:08:06 00:02:10:02 innovations from idea 00:02:10:03 00:02:11:25 to commercialization and through 00:02:12:00 00:02:13:23 my interest in work in the area. 00:02:13:24 00:02:15:21 I've become a master black belt 00:02:15:22 00:02:17:15 in design for Six Sigma. 00:02:17:16 00:02:18:24 Very interesting. 00:02:19:00 00:02:20:20 And what does design 00:02:20:21 00:02:23:06 for Six Sigma mean? 00:02:23:07 00:02:26:01 While Six Sigma is a methodology 00:02:26:02 00:02:28:00 applied not just for design, 00:02:28:01 00:02:30:05 the organization defines the process 00:02:30:06 00:02:32:09 as a system of techniques and tools 00:02:32:10 00:02:34:15 used in process improvement. 00:02:34:16 00:02:36:10 Design for Six Sigma is a 00:02:36:11 00:02:37:24 specific approach we follow in 00:02:38:00 00:02:39:23 Sherwin-Williams for new designs, 00:02:39:24 00:02:42:03 especially new product development. 00:02:42:04 00:02:44:14 The products we design using a DFS 00:02:44:15 00:02:46:18 driven process are formulated 00:02:46:19 00:02:48:15 coatings for metal packaging. 00:02:48:16 00:02:49:23 They are a blend of multiple 00:02:49:24 00:02:51:19 ingredients, all interacting 00:02:51:20 00:02:53:16 with one another and working with 00:02:53:17 00:02:55:08 a customer's process to create a 00:02:55:09 00:02:57:06 protective and decorative film 00:02:57:07 00:02:58:13 for metal. 00:02:58:14 00:03:01:01 Now you are mentioning get 00:03:01:02 00:03:03:05 ingredients and blending 00:03:03:06 00:03:05:05 it. Are you part of the shift 00:03:05:06 00:03:06:05 to a. 00:03:07:00 00:03:08:06 You're right that all in the 00:03:08:07 00:03:10:13 formulation is a bit like cooking 00:03:10:14 00:03:11:18 or baking. 00:03:11:19 00:03:13:05 Well, working with several 00:03:13:06 00:03:14:23 ingredients, making sure they work 00:03:14:24 00:03:16:07 well together. 00:03:16:08 00:03:17:12 In a sense, we deliver our 00:03:17:13 00:03:19:11 preparation to the customer, 00:03:19:12 00:03:21:11 the kind of enclosure makers, and 00:03:21:12 00:03:23:08 they bake the cake themselves. 00:03:23:09 00:03:25:02 Consumers are, in a way, the 00:03:25:03 00:03:26:23 ultimate food and beverage 00:03:26:24 00:03:28:13 testers. 00:03:28:14 00:03:30:11 What is the biggest challenge 00:03:30:12 00:03:32:12 you face during R&D 00:03:32:13 00:03:35:05 activities in coatings formulation? 00:03:37:02 00:03:38:18 It's not a singular thing. 00:03:38:19 00:03:40:17 It's definitely a combination of 00:03:40:18 00:03:42:03 at least three elements. 00:03:43:05 00:03:45:14 One is the ever increasing 00:03:45:15 00:03:47:15 need for reduced 00:03:47:16 00:03:49:17 cost of ownership. 00:03:49:18 00:03:51:16 Two is a tightening 00:03:51:17 00:03:53:20 of worldwide regulations for food, 00:03:53:21 00:03:55:17 skin contact, and the last 00:03:55:18 00:03:57:15 element may be the most important. 00:03:57:16 00:03:59:12 Ever shrinking time. 00:03:59:13 00:04:01:07 Our customers are looking to deal 00:04:01:08 00:04:03:16 with fewer variants of formulations 00:04:03:17 00:04:05:02 and they are seeking more and more 00:04:05:03 00:04:07:12 universal products and cost savings. 00:04:07:13 00:04:09:17 As such, the list of specifications 00:04:09:18 00:04:11:09 and functional properties for single 00:04:11:10 00:04:12:20 products is growing. 00:04:12:21 00:04:14:17 Integrating constraints and 00:04:14:18 00:04:17:16 requirements from multiple end uses. 00:04:17:17 00:04:19:16 This in turn leads to longer 00:04:19:17 00:04:21:14 and longer design times and 00:04:21:15 00:04:24:01 more effort combined with lengthier 00:04:24:02 00:04:26:14 and more stringent qualifications. 00:04:26:15 00:04:27:22 At the same time, the constant 00:04:27:23 00:04:29:16 pressure of tightening regulations 00:04:29:17 00:04:31:22 and environmental considerations 00:04:31:23 00:04:33:17 reduces the list of ingredients we 00:04:33:18 00:04:35:18 are able to use for development. 00:04:35:19 00:04:38:08 These factors effectively compress 00:04:38:09 00:04:40:14 the product development time by 00:04:40:15 00:04:42:14 working with advanced formulation 00:04:42:15 00:04:44:21 techniques such as experimental 00:04:44:22 00:04:47:02 designs, statistical tools, 00:04:47:03 00:04:48:24 and operating in a well 00:04:49:00 00:04:50:15 oiled design process. 00:04:52:09 00:04:54:14 What do you mean by when I. 00:04:54:15 00:04:56:02 The design process. 00:04:57:07 00:04:59:02 Well, first of all, we follow a 00:04:59:03 00:05:01:02 staged gate approach, 00:05:01:03 00:05:02:24 a well known practice in many 00:05:03:00 00:05:05:01 industries within Sherwin-Williams. 00:05:05:02 00:05:07:13 We firmly believe that ultimate 00:05:07:14 00:05:09:11 customer satisfaction starts 00:05:09:12 00:05:11:08 with identifying their problems 00:05:11:09 00:05:13:14 and needs and in our ability 00:05:13:15 00:05:15:19 to translate and deploy 00:05:15:20 00:05:17:17 the relevant solutions all the way 00:05:17:18 00:05:20:12 into each feature of our product. 00:05:20:13 00:05:22:11 This drives every activity at 00:05:22:12 00:05:23:21 every stage of the development 00:05:23:22 00:05:25:20 process and the questions being 00:05:25:21 00:05:28:03 asked at every milestone point, 00:05:28:04 00:05:29:25 every gate 00:05:29:26 00:05:32:01 management of risk is actually 00:05:32:02 00:05:33:24 at the heart of this process. 00:05:34:00 00:05:35:11 For example, one of the critical 00:05:35:12 00:05:36:15 requirements of the product 00:05:36:16 00:05:38:14 development process for coatings 00:05:38:15 00:05:39:20 in contact with the packaging 00:05:39:21 00:05:41:22 contents is to accurately 00:05:41:23 00:05:43:20 anticipate from work done 00:05:43:21 00:05:45:18 in the lab to the 00:05:45:19 00:05:47:19 adequate performance of the product. 00:05:47:20 00:05:49:20 After multiple years of holding 00:05:49:21 00:05:51:24 its contents on shelves 00:05:51:25 00:05:53:22 to a spa past the recommended 00:05:53:23 00:05:55:25 best by date as possible 00:05:56:00 00:05:58:04 and customers have no time to waste, 00:05:58:05 00:06:00:00 We need to ensure that when 00:06:00:01 00:06:01:13 they performed the last round of 00:06:01:14 00:06:03:12 qualification tests 00:06:03:13 00:06:06:03 using real packs and real contents, 00:06:06:04 00:06:07:17 that the outcome of the test will be 00:06:07:18 00:06:09:18 positive. For achieving 00:06:09:19 00:06:11:07 this level of excellence and 00:06:11:08 00:06:13:03 certainty demands a 00:06:13:04 00:06:15:07 well-oiled design process. 00:06:15:08 00:06:16:21 In short, we need to focus on the 00:06:16:22 00:06:18:17 development process because we need 00:06:18:18 00:06:20:05 to continue to be right. 00:06:20:06 00:06:22:02 We need fewer products with 00:06:22:03 00:06:24:00 broader use and we need to be 00:06:24:01 00:06:25:07 fast. 00:06:25:08 00:06:27:04 Thanks, JD, for the time you spend 00:06:27:05 00:06:29:04 with us today and the overview 00:06:29:05 00:06:30:19 of your activities. 00:06:30:20 00:06:32:19 I certainly learned a lot 00:06:32:20 00:06:34:16 that now I 00:06:34:17 00:06:36:15 better understand how products are 00:06:36:16 00:06:38:12 designed in such a complex 00:06:38:13 00:06:40:11 environment, and I 00:06:40:12 00:06:42:09 know there is a big effort to 00:06:42:10 00:06:44:07 reach customer satisfaction. 00:06:45:11 00:06:47:06 I'm sure I will not be 00:06:47:07 00:06:49:02 the only one looking at the products 00:06:49:03 00:06:51:04 on the supermarket shelves 00:06:51:05 00:06:53:02 in a different way next time 00:06:53:03 00:06:54:02 I'm there. 00:06:54:24 00:06:56:09 For those watching. 00:06:56:10 00:06:58:11 I hope you enjoyed this episode 00:06:58:12 00:06:59:11 of Coatings Chat. 00:07:00:05 00:07:02:03 Stay tuned for new episodes. <end subtitles>
In Episode 4 of the Coating Chats Series, Jean-Dominique Turgis, Master Black Belt in Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), speaks with Laura Tonucci, Global Marketing Manager, about the system of techniques and tools used for process improvement in our product development processes. Watch this video and learn how the Packaging Division uses DFSS to bring innovation in our research and development process from idea to commercialization.
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