The solutions your business deserves. The solutions you’ve been searching for.

Collision Core™ offers intuitive, intelligent, but above all interconnected solutions, which provide AT-A-GLANCE visibility into key business operations and are designed to build strength and stability into the core of your business.

Collision Core focuses on critical unmet needs within the industry, connecting metrics and driving labor optimization and utilization via fully mobile, always connected cloud-based solutions.

- Improve cycle time, CSI and profitability
- Increase capacity
- Improve first-time on-time quality
- Optimize labor
- Easy to adopt
- Simple to deploy
- Fast ROI
- Save time and resources
- Elevates top performers


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Collision Core Production

Durée - 2:24

See how Woodcock Auto Body in Washingtonville, New York is using Collision Core Production to keep techs on task and give management time back to focus on the bigger picture.

Intelligent, intuitive, and interconnected solutions that deliver measurable and optimal outcomes.

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