Sherwin-Williams CARC Powder Topcoats Earn Approval from USARL

By: Editor, Tim Pennington of Products Finishing magazine

High performance, near zero gloss CARC powder topcoats help safeguard American military vehicles and the warfighters within through chemical agent resistance and protection from detection through an infrared signature.

Sherwin-Williams Product Finishes Division says the U.S. Army Research Lab has approved MIL-PRF-32348 Type III, Class I Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) powder topcoat in Black 37030, Green 383 34094 and Tan 686A 33446 for registration on the Qualified Products Database, and may be applied to any military asset.

Designed to work with a primer to provide coverage and corrosion resistance to coated parts, Sherwin-Williams says these high performance, near zero gloss CARC powder topcoats help safeguard military vehicles and the warfighters within through chemical agent resistance and protection from detection through an infrared signature.

Sherwin-Williams is proud our new CARC powder topcoats will soon play a part in protecting American troops and military assets around the globe.

Dr. Beth Ann Pearson

Global Products Manager

The company says the CARC powder topcoats contain minimal to low VOC levels as compared to liquid CARC systems – which may have VOC levels as high as 3.5 lb./gal. – thus providing significant environmental and recycling capabilities to manufacturers, helping them meet local regulations. The technology’s low gloss stability, plus enhanced application and curing process, make it an ideal option, saving time and money through increased production capabilities.

“Sherwin-Williams is proud our new CARC powder topcoats will soon play a part in protecting American troops and military assets around the globe,” says Dr. Beth Ann Pearson, Global Products Manager, General Industrial, Sherwin-Williams Product Finishes Division.  “We are also pleased it helps protect the health and safety of those who come in contact with the coatings due to its minimal to zero VOC levels compared to that of liquid CARC systems, as well as optimising the production process.”

In 2012, the U.S. Department of Defence’s Strategic Environmental Research and Developmental Programme (SERDP) selected Sherwin-Williams to lead a research and development project for the use of CARC powder topcoats in military vehicles and support equipment. SERDP awarded the 2015 Project-of-the-Year Award for Weapons Systems and Platforms to the team of industry, academic and military partners for its work to understand the chemistry behind CARC powder topcoats.

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