Resinous Flooring Technical Articles
Discover explanations and remediation tips from our concrete floor coating experts on topics such as evaluating substrates, surface preparation, moisture vapor emissions, bubbles, outgassing, poor intercoat adhesion, amine blush, disbonding, blistering, color shading and more.
Featured Articles
Acid Etching No Longer Recommended Concrete Prep Method
Learn more about acid etching and how it can impact floor coating installation and the environment.
Identify, Prevent and Remove Amine Blush
Our experts detail the common chemical reaction that occurs when applying epoxy coatings. Learn more about how to identify, prevent, and remove anime blush here.
Coating Freshly Poured Green Concrete
Ready to epoxy coat freshly poured “green concrete?” Before you move ahead, get the facts from our experts.
Why Does My Epoxy Floor Have Bubbles?
Wondering why your newly installed floor coating has bubbles? Learn from our experts about the most common culprit as well as techniques for fixing.
Epoxy Floor Bubbly or Gummy
Check out these tips on how to avoid bubbles or tacky concrete coatings.
Epoxy Hardener Uses
Installation of epoxy floor coating systems involves blending epoxy resin with a hardener. Find out more about hardeners and how they're used.
Which Floors Should Not Be Epoxy Coated?
Epoxy coatings are not always suitable for certain types of flooring substrates, such as ceramic tile. Learn more about which flooring is suitable here.
Poured Epoxy Flooring: How It Works
Learn about poured epoxy flooring systems, including installation and advantages of using these systems in your facility.
Preventing Blisters and De-bonding Issues for Resinous Floors
Focusing on the three key areas to prevent disbondment problems: sub-grade preparation, concrete specification, and surface preparation
Selecting a Seamless Floor System
Understanding the resinous flooring market and the factors that have a bearing on flooring choice
Slip-Resistant Coatings Create Safe Seamless Floors
Consider slip resistance when choosing epoxy or polyurethane flooring systems for high traffic environments
Solvent-Based vs. Water-Based vs. 100% Solids Epoxy
Find out about the advantages of different types of two-component water-based, solvent-based, and 100% solids, solvent-free epoxy floor coatings.
How Thick Should an Epoxy Floor Coating Be?
Different epoxy floor coatings are great for many commercial and industrial applications. Learn about the factors that will help you decide what thickness is needed.