Tendencias de color industriales
En Sherwin-Williams DesignHouse, nos tomamos el color muy en serio. Tanto es así que hemos pasado los últimos años pensando, pronosticando, colaborando, y hemos publicado nuestro pronóstico de tendencias anuales del cuarto año que servirá para el espacio industrial en los próximos años. Estos pronósticos de tendencias se crearon para inspirar e influir en los diseñadores industriales, de productos y de CMF.
Pronósticos de tendencias en color industrial
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For Industrial Markets
After a year of data collection and workshopping, the experts at Sherwin-Williams DesignHouse for Performance Coatings have created a collection of 21 individual and complementary colors for utilization throughout the next 3-5 years.
DesignHouse is excited to provide the Trend Forecast program of collaboratively accumulated trend intelligence for your concept inspiration, specification and development – giving your design team a competitive edge.
The content of our visionary report was strategically researched, analyzed and forecasted – harnessing an innovative methodology that encompasses three directive trends. These forward-looking trends offer design teams the inspiration and confidence to develop products in colors, materials, effects, finishes, textures and patterns that consumers will accept and adopt.
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Inside our Trend Forecast
A Spark of Familiarity
As humans, we crave meaningful relationships - to self, to family and friends, and to community. The desire to connect exists globally and locally, through arts, culture, belief systems, nature, environment, government, science and technology. These influences serve as catalysts that shape society and the mega trends that give light to the future. As designers and creatives, it is our responsibility to not only honor connection, but to challenge and disrupt the familiar. This should spark new product ideation. Connecting the three macro trend themes - EXPLORE, ESCAPE and EMPOWER - are familiar topics examined in a new light, slowly burning while evolving, signaling a spark into the future.
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From Here to Eternity
Influences: Technology, Astronomy, Oceanography, Bioluminescence, Math & Science, Big Data, Sci-Fi Futures, AI/AR/VR
Industries: Automotive, Transportation, Medical Device, Technology, Consumer Electronics, Appliance, Heavy Machinery, Architectural, Building Products
Take a Hike
Influences: Harmony, Nature & Nurture, East & West, Work & Life, Health & Wellness, Self-Actualization
Industries: Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Consumer Goods, Packaging, Building Products, Architectural, Outdoor Lifestyle, Appliance, Interiors, Furnishings
Find Y[our] Own Way
Influences: Rights & Freedom, Social Causes & Justice, Privacy & Security, Truth & Honesty, Power & Voice, Play & Leisure, Sports & Amusement
Industries: Packaging, Powersports, Consumer Electronics, Consumer Goods, Small Appliance, Interiors, Furnishings, Accessories, Retail Merchandising Racks
Where Inspiration Lives and Color Comes Alive
With help from our color experts, we can shorten the distance from concept to reality – limiting the number of iterations to match new, complex finishes and ensure color harmony across a range of technologies.