6750 1/4" Solid Color Chips Unlimited Flakes
1/4" solid color vinyl paint flakes for decorative flooring applications.
These 1/4" solid color vinyl paint chips provide a mosaic pattern for the Acrydur™ MMA Flake DB, Elladur™ Deco Flake DB, Elladur™ Deco Flake SB, FasTop® Deco Flake SL45, Resuflor™ Aqua Deco Flake SB, Resuflor™ Deco Flake DB, Resuflor™ Deco Flake DQF, Resuflor™ Deco Flake RB, Resuflor™ Deco Flake SB, Resuflor™ Screed Deco Flake and SofTop™ Deco Flake BC flooring systems.
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