Benefits of PVDF Coatings for Architectural Metal Building Products

Weather is inevitable. And for buildings, there's just no escaping it. 

Buildings—including those clad in metal—are under constant assault from the elements.  Harsh winters, extreme sun, torrential rains or the standard seasonal mix all affect the exterior of the buildings we live, work and play in. The impact is often most noticeable in the building's appearance.

The architectural industry is not only challenged to construct buildings that withstand unpredictable weather, but also maintain the exterior appearance for years into the future. Consequently, building design teams are always looking for more durable solutions when  envisioning projects that use architectural metal panels. This means they’re turning more and more to architectural metal coatings that promise longevity, lasting colour retention and superior protection from the elements.

High-performance coatings for metal building exteriors, such as Fluropon 70% PVDF, have become the industry standard for preserving metal architecture. Qualities such as film integrity, durability, and resistance to UV rays are just a few of the reasons PVDF coatings have risen to the top.

Adhesion Quality

PVDF coating systems offer excellent overall adhesion because of the high-quality resins used in the formulas. Resins hold the entire coating system together, ensuring strong adhesion to the substrate and top coat. 

Film Integrity

Film integrity refers to uniformity in a coating, meaning the coating resists cracking and general defects. PVDF coatings lead the field with superior film integrity due again to the use of high-quality resins. For example, Sherwin-Williams Coil Coatings uses a proprietary mix of resins that allows our 70% PVDF Fluropon coatings to provide excellent film integrity.

Abrasion Resistance

Abrasion resistance is important not only on finished metal building products, but also while metal panels are in transit from shops to building sites. The most reliable coatings on the market are formulated to resist different kinds of abrasion that can occur before and during the installation process. These types of abrasions include marring, scratching, etching and other damage that can occur frequently at manufacturing facilities, on the road and at job sites.


With durability being top of mind, it’s important for architects, engineers and designers to have architectural metal panel coating options they can rely on. The architectural coating is the first layer visible on the building’s exterior and is ultimately responsible for its appearance and durability. This means the coating has the toughest job of all and must act as the first line of defence against harsh elements, including hail, acid rain, UV rays and much more. Luckily, PVDF coatings are designed to ensure the durability of a structure and to provide exceptional resistance to harmful elements in high-stress environments.

Chalk and Fade Resistance

When metal is left untreated or uses coatings that aren’t made to resist the sun’s damage, UV rays can create a “chalky” film atop metal architecture. Coatings that clad metal building products have the unique challenge of protecting buildings against an array of weather conditions, specifically offering a waterproof barrier that stands up to UV rays, humidity, acid rain and corrosive salt.

Ultimately, architectural coatings provide superb protection against harsh outdoor elements and abrasion once they’ve been applied to panels. Through rigorous and continuous testing, coating manufacturers have created durable PVDF coating formulas that withstand the test of time, weather, and general wear and tear with the ultimate goal of preserving metal architecture long into the future.

Browse our limitless colour options for PVDF coatings for your next exterior metal architecture project.

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