PM High Performance Flooring - New Brighton Fire House.mp4
[inspirational music]
[video: Fire Station Interior and exterior]
[gfx: Designed, square animation, Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring, Designed to Perform]
[gfx: Michael Schute, Deputy Fire Chief, New Brighton Fire Dept.]
Michael Schute [00:00:16] I take a lot of pride in this place, and I know all the rest of my firefighters do, too.
[gfx: Tyson Geister, Sales Representative, Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring]
[gfx: Chemical-Resistance is key]
Tyson Geister [00:00:25] What we try to do is protect your asset, right? And the asset here is concrete. So to protect that, we put a residence flooring system on there. And what that does is basically it protects it from any oil, water, grease, anything that can be damaging to the concrete structure below it.
[gfx: Chad Hanson, President, Swedebro]
[video: Int Firehouse and flooring]
Chad Hanson [00:00:41] This was an existing system that we had done years earlier and they were just freshening it up. So in this instance, we just abrade or grind the floor. So we're grinding that existing coating, making sure everything's adhered well, and then we put the system down. So then we put the primer down, then the next coat with the decorative chips and the color. And then finally a finished seal coat of the clear urethane.
[video: Int Firehouse and flooring]
[gfx: Extremely impact resistant]
Tyson Geister [00:01:07] It's an ideal situation for a fire station just due to the fact that concrete is porous, whether it be polished or otherwise. If you just leave it, it's prone to any kind of attacking that's going to happen, whether it be from oil, water, salt, anything that these trucks are bringing in and out. And then just the sheer weight of and movement of them turning tires. It'll resist all that so that we can protect the floor.
Michael Schute [00:01:33] They hold up to oil and coolant from the trucks. You know, if they leak or could be hydraulic fluid, you know, there's all different products on these all the time.
[video: team looking at floor, int. fire station]
[gfx: Resuflor� Deco Flake -Hardwearing but aesthetic finish]
Chad Hanson [00:01:49] Fire stations have a lot of visitors for public spaces, so they have a lot of annual events. But then Boy Scout groups, different groups that will come through youth groups that want to see the facility, see the trucks, see the equipment. So they like to have a decorative floor, too, that shows off their facilities and it helps them keep it clean, too. So plain concrete is hard to keep clean. A coated floor is much easier to keep clean.
[video: polishing floor]
Tyson Geister [00:02:13] This is in the public eye. There's windows that the public constantly walks by. So it's a very presentable, nice looking, finished space.
Michael Schute [00:02:20] It just shows the quality and the drive we have to keep our stuff super nice and clean and, you know, makes you feel good. And all the residents enjoy it too. And it's powerful.
[music fades up]
[video: interior fire station]
[gfx: Designed, square animation, Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring, Designed to Perform]
[music fades out]