Military Coatings
Rugged, Durable, and Reliable Performance
Sherwin-Williams military coatings provide uncompromising protection and flawless performance under the most rigorous conditions. From primers and chemical agent resistant coatings (CARC) to topcoats and munitions coatings, we offer the full complement of tough military coating solutions. Sherwin-Williams delivers a formidable advantage for your military product finishing needs.
Specification Update - Enhanced Corrosion Primers
The military is specifying the use of Type IV enhanced corrosion primers for MIL-DTL-53022 and eliminating Type II and Type III primers from the specification. Learn about Sherwin-Williams fast-drying enhanced corrosion military primers, approved to meet the Type IV specification.
View Type IV PrimersUncompromising Protection
Get the new brochure featuring enhanced corrosion primers for military applications
Download the Brochure-
European Specifications
Sherwin-Williams is a leading manufacturing of coatings approved for use on defence equipment
USA-MIL Specifications
Sherwin-Williams is a leading manufacturer of mil spec and non-CARC coatings approved for use on defence equipment.