Resin Flooring for Sustainable Building Construction

Do you want to use resin flooring backed with environmental product declarations (EPDs). Sherwin-Williams can provide this information for selected products that can contribute points to Green Building Programmes such as LEED and BREEAM.  

Sustainable Building Design

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a statement detailing what constituents a product is made from, and how it impacts on the environment over its life cycle. Whilst these are voluntary documents, the demand from specifiers for this information is rapidly increasing, as sustainability awareness on projects becomes essential.

This form of documentation can help specifiers by providing details on environmental performance, identifying sustainable aspects of a product, and the manufacturer's commitment to reducing the environmental impact of its products by stating its affect.   EPDs can play a crucial role in helping architects define the emissions and establish hotspots in their project design. In addition, the information can provide a guide for establishing a decarbonisation strategy as part of the building design.

When developing an EPD, the environmental performance of a product is described from a complete life cycle assessment (LCA) perspective. The results of the LCA study together with other information are compiled in the EPD reporting format, and an approved independent assessor then verifies the EPD before it is registered and published on the International EPD System.

Key Criteria for EPD

A key criterion of an EPD for flooring materials is its volatile organic content (VOC), where components are emitted as gases which may have adverse health effects, and impact on the environment.  VOC concentrations are usually higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. Industrial chemists at Sherwin-Williams have developed innovative products for industrial floors with low or no VOC, and which can contribute to, and maintain, good air quality for those working with the products, and others in the same area during installation.

An overview of the product’s critical data is stated and can be used to calculate the Global Warming Potential (GWP) in kilograms per carbon equivalent (kg CO2e) for the product.

Testing’s and Certifications

Our EPDs have been independently verified by NSF to ISO 21930 and ISO 14025, and which can count towards credits needed to obtain sustainability certifications. The NSF verification creates higher value for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accreditations, and is mandatory for BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certifications. 

This certification means flooring materials can contribute points to international green building rating assessments such as LEED and BREEAM, thus ensuring buildings comply with sustainable construction. There are more than 100 sustainability certification systems globally, such as DGNB, Green Globes, HQE and Green Star. In general, these certifications are not product-based but focused on the whole life cycle of the building, and as a result, individual products can contribute towards the credits needed to obtain these certifications. 

Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort (Gold) Certification

Other certification standards for flooring products include well-established tools such as Indoor Air Comfort Gold, confirming a product compliance with low emissions criteria, which. signifies a focus on quality, and a contribution to a healthy indoor environment. This certification is also available with selected Sherwin-Williams products.

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