SofTop Comfort SL Scores Straight A's with Danish School Refurbishment

The Klostermark school in Roskilde was designed by Henning Larsen in 1960 and welcomed its first students in 1963. As part of a major refurbishment modern seamless flooring was required.

A long term solution which is flexible and seamless is provided with SofTop Comfort SL polyurethane comfort floor. The system has proven durability for school use yet is soft and comfortable to walk on with sound deadening properties and enhanced health and safety performance.

Klostermark School installed with SofTop Comfort SL

Although both the adults and the students have taken good care of their beautiful school, the passing of time still ravaged the concrete and the roof with damage and decay. The school was subsequently renovated, and by 2015 the buildings were once again ready to host its students after a thorough rebuilding, where the floors were nautrally renewed.

The school area was approximately 8,000m2. Linoleum was chosen for one half and SofTop Comfort SL on the remaining 4,000m2. After two and a half years there was already clear differences in how the two floor types had met the challenge that the schools nearly 700 hundred students had inflicted on a daily basis.

No joints - no problems

Klostermark School has its challenges with the Linoelum floors that can hardly withstand the tough tests that students expose to them every day.

Based on the condition of the linoleum floors at Klostermark School after two and a half years it was etsimated it had a lifespan of 15 years. School traffic is a tough environment for a school and they can take a beating everyday - especially in the winter when the students come directly from the outside wearing big boots with sand and gravel on the soles. In this regard the comfort floors continued to look like new showing very few signs of wear. Based on this it was etsimated the comfort floors had an about twice the life span expectancy - about 30 years.

The comfort flooring installed at the school proved resistant when heavy things were pushed around. This couls include table tennis tables or mobile walls.

The cleaning at the school was intensive. The two floor types again performed very differently. During the winter season cleaning was especially intensive. Childrne would trample through in boots covered in snow, with soles which could leave salt and gravel, which left marks when the water evaporated. The comfort floors could be dried immediately with a mop which pushed the dirt and salt away. The linoleum proved a bit harder to keep clean because of its surface texture.

I have nothing but praise for the comfort floors in school settings. without reservation, I will give the floors well-deserved A's in all disciplines.

Bertie Bue Brorfelde

Technical Service Manager at Klostermark School

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