When Your Products Need to Stand Out
Staying Ahead of Market Trends
Available in thousands of stunning color and finish combinations, Sherwin-Williams coatings meet both consumer and manufacturer expectations for performance and functionality. In addition, our powder and liquid coatings can be formulated to meet the specific application needs of OEM manufacturers. Colour, durability, and collaborating on color trends are how we help you stay ahead of your competition.
Major Appliance
For home and commercial appliances, our coatings provide lasting colour and protection. At Sherwin-Williams, color is our business. We analyse consumer and design trends to understand future colour needs. We will work with you to determine what's on-trend, what's next, and make sure your products look as good installed as they did on the showroom floor.
Small Appliance
Sherwin-Williams coatings provide durable protection from everyday chemicals with a stunning finish to meet both style and functionality in your countertop appliances.