car rental area flooring

Car Rental Area Flooring

Car rental spaces in airports, train stations, hotels and other facilities are busy, chaotic environments. The floors are exposed to constant foot traffic, impacts from luggage and wheeled carts and accidental spills. At the same time, car rental areas must be aesthetically pleasing, sanitary and comfortable for guests and employees alike. Sherwin-Williams car rental area flooring solutions are durable, long-lasting, low maintenance and easy to clean, all while maintaining a flawless finish and high-quality appearance. Our flooring solutions will protect concrete floors for years to come. For the best car rental area flooring, look no further than Sherwin-Williams.

Durable and Attractive Flooring Solutions for Car Rental Areas

As customers wait for rental vehicles, line up at the counter and drag luggage across the floor, the flooring of car rental areas can take a beating. Without the proper protective coating system, concrete floors can degrade rapidly under this type of daily abuse, potentially creating the need for early concrete repair or replacement. Sherwin-Williams car rental area flooring systems are extremely durable and designed to protect concrete floors from wear and tear, impact, abrasion and gouges. They also offer outstanding chemical and moisture resistance, as well as provide thermal shock resistance depending on the system selected. This helps protect car rental area flooring from expossure to vehicle fluides, corrosive cleaning products, food and beverage spills, rainwater and temperature fluctuations due to harsh weather.

Our floor coating systems provide seamless finishes, making them easy to clean and maintain. Their monolithic design eliminates the crevices and grout lines where soil and contaminants can gather. A simple manual or automatic sweeping/vaccuming and occasional wet mopping or gentle autoscrubbing is all that is needed for typical cleaning and maintenance.

The flooring of car rental areas should appear professional, sleek, inviting and comfortable. Sherwin-Williams car rental area flooring is an attractive, smart choice for competitive businesses. We offer a variety of colors and finishes, with options for safety markings and slip-resistance, allowing you to create a car rental area with aesthetic appeal, character and unique branding that will look great and perform over the long term.

Contact us today to learn more about our car rental area flooring options.


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