PK-323200-V Packaging Identity Video
[inspirational instrumental music]
[gfx: sherwin-williams packaging coatings]
[gfx: delivering innovative packaging coatings]
[images of hands spreading paint on coatings surfaces, pouring liquid into Florence Flask]
[gfx: global regulatory expertise]
[images of vials, chemist pouring liquid into florence flask]
[gfx: technical service excellence]
[images of cans moving thru conveyor, people working in lab setting, machine forming can, hand opening soda can & food can]
[gfx: across all metal packaging]
[images of cans]
[gfx: partnering with our customers]
[Images of cans being coated]
[gfx: from development to commercialization]
[images of chemistry, people opening cans and cooking]
[gfx: meeting specified requirements]
[images of cans, workers with cans]
[gfx: enabling successful, sustainable packaging]
[images of people shopping, spraying hair product]
[gfx: for you.]
[images of smiling, happy family at table]
[gfx: count on our team]
[images of workers all over the world, cans]
[gfx: sherwin-williams packaging coatings, protecting products, brands and reputations]
[gfx: thank you]
[music and images fade out to black]