The Power of Coatings to Enhance Facility Safety, Efficiency and Compliance

Transform Facility Management with Cutting-Edge Coating Solutions and Strategies

by Mike Durbin, Market Segment Manager – Pharmaceutical and Data Centers, and Paul Pineda, Market Segment Manager – Aerospace-Aviation and Semi-Conductors at Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine

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In today’s competitive business landscape, facility managers face the crucial task of ensuring the safety, compliance and cost-efficiency of their operations. That is no easy task, given the many areas they need to monitor, inspect and maintain facility wide. There are a number of key challenges facility managers encounter. This white paper examines several and offers practical strategies to tackle them, including implementing various coating solutions, adopting low-energy practices, prioritizing compliance regulations, addressing unplanned maintenance shutdowns and leveraging emerging coating technologies.

By focusing on these areas and seeking assistance from qualified maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) coatings representatives, facility managers can ensure the safety, efficiency and compliance of their facilities while managing costs effectively.

Coating Solutions Enhance Safety

Ensuring facility safety is paramount for every organization. That includes addressing coating solutions, which can be crucial contributors in enhancing safety within facilities. One critical concern revolves around preventing slip-and-fall accidents, which contribute significantly to workplace injuries.

In 2021, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 18 percent of nonfatal work injuries causing absences stemmed from slip, trip and fall incidents. Facility managers can mitigate these risks by installing appropriate resinous flooring systems that improve traction. For example, installers can broadcast sand or other aggregates into the flooring as it is being poured to provide gripping texture on the surface.

They can also ensure floors are sloped properly to drains to minimize the potential for water to pool and cause a slipping hazard. Additionally, the strategic use of safety colors provides visual cues for accident prevention. These coating solutions not only bolster safety but also enhance the facility’s aesthetic appeal, all while minimizing disruption to plant operations.

Utility Management and Energy Efficiency Promote Sustainability

Facility managers face the considerable task of managing high energy costs that have a significant impact on their financial performance. With the substantial energy consumption associated with facilities, the environmental implications, on a mass scale, have also become a pressing concern. To address this challenge, facility managers are turning to more energy-efficient solutions that can help minimize their operations’ carbon footprints and promote sustainability.

Upgrading roofing systems offers a promising avenue for achieving significant energy savings. Traditional systems found in older buildings tend to absorb substantial amounts of energy, resulting in increased cooling expenses. By adopting reflective and energy-efficient roofing systems, facility managers can reduce a roof’s energy absorption capacity, leading to lower cooling costs. This practical approach not only yields cost savings but also contributes to a facility’s ongoing efforts to reduce its environmental impact.


Figure 1. In areas subjected to frequent washdowns, moisture tolerant, chemical and thermal shock resistant coating systems can be used to correct the floor slope for proper drainage. This helps avoid unhygienic puddling and improves safety, as well as cleaning efficiency.

Figure 2. Tank linings serve as a protective barrier between the stored product and the tank itself, preventing contamination and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Promoting Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Ensuring the safety and compliance of facilities is a top priority for facility managers, as it involves navigating a complex web of local, state and federal regulations. Compliance regulations are intricately linked to safety concerns and demand meticulous attention from managers. However, the task of achieving and maintaining compliance can be significant, time-consuming and complicated – prompting the need for expert assistance.

MRO coatings representatives offer a valuable proposition to facility managers, including comprehensive compliance support. These knowledgeable professionals understand the intricate regulatory landscape and can guide facility managers in developing customized compliance programs tailored to their specific requirements. That may include an MRO coatings representative walking through your entire facility with your maintenance manager to identify areas of coatings deficiencies and areas in need of repair. Following that walkthrough, the representative can also assist with developing scopes and timelines for repairs, so your facility can quickly return to compliance if auditors flag issues. By forging a partnership with an MRO representative, facility managers can offload the burden of compliance, freeing up their time and energy to focus on other critical aspects of their operations.

MRO-Assisted Strategies for Cost Control and Efficiency

Facility managers bear the responsibility of effectively managing costs and optimizing the operational efficiency of their facilities. Budget control and maintenance play vital roles in the day-to-day operations of any facility. MRO coatings representatives offer valuable assistance to facility managers through the provision of cost-effective solutions tailored to the unique needs of the facility. They may suggest alternative coatings to address ones that consistently fail prematurely. They may suggest coatings systems that reduce the number of coats required or that cure quickly, enable fast returns to service and help lessen downtime. They can also help managers identify areas that need to be fixed ahead of a crucial facility inspection, assuring proactive repairs to stay in compliance.

By leveraging the expertise of MRO coatings representatives, facility managers can streamline their operations, maximize cost savings and enhance overall efficiency, ensuring the smooth functioning of the facility.

Mitigating Unplanned Maintenance Shutdowns

Unforeseen maintenance shutdowns can pose significant financial burdens and result in substantial periods of inactivity. To mitigate these challenges, facility managers can benefit from collaboration with adaptable installation contractors who can promptly respond to unexpected shutdowns. Furthermore, establishing partnerships with product manufacturers capable of promptly supplying necessary materials can significantly reduce the duration of such shutdowns. Again, a facility walkthrough with an MRO coatings representative can be particularly helpful in proactively identifying areas of concern and planning for rapid repairs.

By adopting these proactive measures, facility managers can minimize costly disruptions and ensure efficient operations even during unexpected maintenance events.

Enhancing the Work Environment

With skilled labor shortages across manufacturing industries, companies are compelled to seek innovative methods for attracting and retaining a qualified workforce.

One effective strategy is investing in the visual appeal of facilities and leveraging the principles of color psychology. Coating systems – by offering enhanced light reflectivity and a diverse range of color options – can have a positive influence on employee morale, productivity, focus and concentration, leading to heightened job satisfaction.

Furthermore, facility enhancements can significantly shape the perceptions of clients and visitors, creating a favorable impression of your business. By prioritizing these aspects, companies can not only address labor challenges but also foster a conducive work environment and make a lasting impression on stakeholders.

Improving Facility Cleanliness and Safety through Coating Solutions

Cleanliness and safety are intricately linked to the seamless functioning of a facility. Maintaining a clean environment is an ongoing endeavor that can demand considerable labor and operational expenses. However, well-selected and professionally installed coatings offer a robust solution by endowing facility surfaces with an impermeable shield against various chemical solutions and cleaning techniques tailored to specific facility needs.

By forming a protective barrier over the underlying material, coatings effectively confine any chemical spills to the surface, simplifying the cleaning process. The resilient and durable properties of high-performance coatings can provide remarkable resistance to abrasion, enduring the rigors of regular cleaning routines. Embracing coating solutions can alleviate the overall challenges associated with upholding optimal cleanliness standards in facilities, enhancing their ease of maintenance and efficiency.

New Technologies Offer Solutions for Current and Future Challenges

Coating technologies continue to evolve to meet diverse facility needs. From linings that comply with strict food regulations to employee-centric soft flooring systems, and thermal insulative coatings addressing hidden corrosion, these innovations offer superior options over traditional methods.

Compared to many alternatives, these emerging technologies are cost-effective, surface-friendly and require minimal maintenance. Partnering with an experienced MRO coatings representative is essential for facility managers to fully leverage these advancements. Working together, they can customize strategies to overcome future challenges, ensuring proactive maintenance and utilization of the latest coating technology.

This collaborative partnership empowers facility managers to optimize safety, compliance, efficiency and sustainability while controlling costs. By embracing innovative coating solutions, managers can enhance facility performance, fostering a productive and well-maintained environment.

Partnering with MRO Coatings Representatives for Effective Facility Management

Effective facility management is vital for organizational success. Facility professionals encounter various challenges in maintaining safe and operational facilities. However, by prioritizing optimal coating solutions, utility management and regulatory compliance, they can overcome these challenges and achieve their goals.

Coating solutions can play a crucial role in enhancing safety without disrupting operations. These solutions provide a protective layer that can increase walking traction, reduce accidents and enhance the overall appearance of the facility. Simultaneously, adopting energy-saving coating solutions can foster sustainability, help curb costs and lessen ecological footprint.

Compliance with regulations is of utmost importance and should be given high priority. Facility managers can rely on the expertise of MRO coatings representatives to navigate the complex regulatory landscape and help ensure compliance for upcoming audits. Partnering with experienced professionals in these areas empowers facility managers to meet regulatory requirements effectively.

Getting Things Right

By focusing on coating solutions, utility management and compliance, facility managers can ensure the safe and efficient operation of their facilities while effectively managing costs. This comprehensive approach, coupled with the guidance of industry experts, paves the way for facility success and organizational excellence.

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